Psalms 92:1
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High.
I just want to give thanks today for God's goodness to me.
For His Spirit and His Word
For every promise He has given and every word spoken directly to me through many avenues
For the health He has given to my family
For a husband who has loved and provided for me and my children
For my children that have made Him thier God
For dealing and working on the one who hasn't
For the sunshine, the rain, the beautiful world around us
For the Flowers, The singing birds, and the many other pleasant things he has created for our pleasure
For love and friendships
For every kind word spoken to me.
For all of the material blessings, A nice home, clothes etc.
The list could go on and on.
It is so often easier in our carnality to focus on the things that are wrong in our lives or even in our church or place of business. We can become so focused on "ourselves" and the problems we are facing that we can't even see the good things provided to us. Let's take some time today to count the many blessings around us. Let's also try to practice looking outward, thinking about how we can be a blessing instead of only thinking about I, My, Myself, My kids, My marriage , Me , me , me! Let's also practice leaving the "if only's" behind us. If only she, If only that, If only this, If only I!
You get the picture?
Believe me, I am preaching to myself as well. It takes an effort to change perspective, but it is so much more rewarding if we can.
Be Thankful Today!!
Is Chocolate Actually Healthy for You?
2 weeks ago
Good message - we are all so blessed.
To serve a God that loves us so much. He sees the big picture and knows our end. Our perspective in hard situations makes the difference. It's a great thing that he can trust you. You could get bitter, angry, loose out - but he knew you would stand or fall on your knees but you would come through it will his help. What will you son bring back with him when he comes back to the house of God - a friend, a wife only God knows but it will be for his Glory.
Keep worshipping - its when you least expect it God gives back what the enemy intended for harm.
I appreciate your walk - keep on. You have done a great job with your kids.
Thanks so much Helen, for your comments. We certainly do serve a God of love and mercy and I am seeing that more and more.
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