Below are a few pictures of our youth on Friday night of the P.E.A.K conference in Tulsa. The prayer, praise, and worship were incredible. There are still many young people who are in love with God and are dedicated to the preservation of holiness and truth. This conferemce was truly "old time Pentecost at it's best!" Most of the pics below are of the young people rallying around Mark and Star, praying together and for one another. It was a sight!! I wish I knew how to put the video on here so everyone could hear the sounds of praise that accompanied these pics!!
To the young people I want to say how very proud I was of all of you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, work for the greater cause of spreading the gospel to a lost world and LOVE one another, forgive one another, and encourage one another. Make your circle tight, make it strong and make it big enough to include everyone. If you can do this, love each other and work together for the cause of Christ, you'll accomplish great things in this city. Keep working as a team! Love you all!!
Is Chocolate Actually Healthy for You?
2 weeks ago
What is going on in these pictures. Is it a mass suicide? obviously not for real, but I cant figure it out. One girl looks like she is praying for her life.
Ohhhhh, Tina! Such beautiful, wonderful pictures! I love it! My eyes filled with tears, I had goosebumps! Without the sound! I am sooooooo thrilled. I love those kids soooo much!
To blogstalker,
No it is nothing like that at all!! These kids are just praying with all of their hearts to God. They are praying for one another and for revival. It was just an intense time of rededication to God and His work. There was a very beautiful spirit of love and unity at this alter service. You would just have had to be there to understand. I can see that if you have never been in a service where there was a soveriegn move of God like this one, that it would look kind of strange, but I assure you that everyhthing was okay. They were all very excited and happy.
I can only imagine!! What it must have been like at PEAK must have been awesome Tina.
I have no greater joy than to know my children walk in truth!!!
It was with you in mind that I took these pictures.
How extremely sweet of you Tina, thank you so much!! That is so special to get to see some picutres although some of us weren't there.
Awww man! I have heard soooo many wonderful things about PEAK! I so wish I could have gone! Maybe next summer. Our youth always goes to Heritage in Colorado Springs. Do you all ever go to that?
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